
第Ⅳ-④分科会 自治体から発信する平和・共生・連帯のメッセージ

Every Answer is in UN

兵庫県/姫路市役所 河野 道和
Michikazu Kono

1. Bush's Doctrine

 Soon after September 11th, US expressed the new concept of world order, "The National Security Strategy of the United States of America(2002)". We're surprised with its excessive unilateralistic concept. For example, its paper says that "While the United States will constantly strive to enlist the support of the international community, we will not hesitate to act alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by acting preemptively against such terrorists, to prevent them from doing harm against our people and our country." We immediately worried about the fatal destruction of world order by its concept. But we had no choice except for looking on, because we sufficiently understand that US is only excessive military power nation of our earth. And Bush always says that the behavior of our country is deep considerable one(*1). Is it truth? Is it his mind or lip service? I don't know. History always will answer in the future. But I know that it is exactly "absurdity" on this time.

2. Every Answer is in UN

Figure 1 Global partnership(*2)

 Every answer for our earth is in UN. Its reason is very easy : UN is unique institution with the view of "our earth" and the almost participation of so called "nation". I don't say that as a merely idea, but a practical one. For example, in the Human Development Report(1999) as well known "the human development index", administrator Mark Malloch Brown said that "I believe that Mahbub ul Haq, to whom this tenth Report is dedicated, would be proud that the tradition is being so vigorously maintained.….Public health problems, immigration and refugees, environmental degradation and broader social and political breakdown are the new security challenges that breed in a context of unattended global inequality. For all our sakes we need to work together to build the frameworks of a new global society and economy that respect differences, protect the weak and regulate the strong". Also in the Report of the World Commission on Dams(2000), Chapter 8(A New Policy Framework for the Development of Water and Energy Resources), its paper says that "No single principle can be fully effective in isolation from the others nor can a single ministry or agency be responsible for them all. Ecosystem issues are best addressed through a holistic view of the river, with all actors incorporating an ecosystem approach into their planning, operations and monitoring." Already there have been sufficient papers and acts of UN for the evidence of a cosmopolitanism of it. Then, as the total evaluation, I believe that the step of UN was steady and would have been so.

3. Crisis of the International Relationship

 In this century, we depend more over on the power balance for keeping a world peace. The mutual trust was wounded and Terrorism has become everyday experience. It seems that the end of a chain of hate wouldn't come forever. Now or never the mutual trust should be reconstructed by our wisdom.

4. Japanese Roll in the International Relationship

 At the point of historical view, Japan now stands at the watershed. Whether we will behave belong our historical lesson(World War II), or not. Perhaps next president of US will be a Democratic one. Sadly our alternative policy is always limited(*3). And so we have to behave more prudently. Kofi A.Annan said at the Japanese Parliament(24.2.2004) that "The United Nations of the 21st century simply cannot do without the benefit of Japan's wisdom and experience." "Japan's wisdom and experience"…We have to consider carefully its meaning(*4)on now for the avoidance of a repetition of historical false.(了)


(*1) For example, Bush's speech at Dayton, Ohio, on July 4, 2003 : "Without America's active involvement in the world, the ambitions of tyrants would go unopposed, and millions would live at the mercy of terrorists. With Americans' active involvement in the world, tyrants learn to fear, and terrorists are on the run. …… Americans are a generous people because we realize how much we have been given."
(*2) As the new trend of cosmopolitanism, we(Group 3 of UNU Global Seminar 8th Kobe and Awaji Session) presented this idea.
(*3) For example, Mr. Ogawa(1993) says that "We need the ripeness of democracy now. And its minimum condition is the appropriate check by tax payers and the appropriate policy change method by them." :A Brainless Economic Giant, Kazuhisa Ogawa, Kodansha(1993) P74
(*4) I think that one of them should be our contribution for the establishment of UN standing force.